504 Plans, IEPs, Accommodations, and You

A School Psychologist’s Take on 504s

My name is Rick, and I’m a Florida licensed school psychologist. I joined the Drs. Chin to help families navigate the special education and 504 processes at their schools. I have found that many parents can struggle with understanding and staying connected with the 504 process. I’ve come to find many parents and caregivers feel left out and unsure of how to best advocate for their child. With my experience as part of the special education team and as 504 case manager, I have tips to share when you are noticing learning challenges and functional difficulties in your child. First, I’d like to discuss what is a 504 plan. In the next post, I’ll discuss what is an IEP.

What is a 504 plan?

Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act provides for accommodations to be spelled out that ensure equal access to school. It is for a student who has a physical or mental impairment that limits a major life activity (i.e., their full participation in school). A diagnosis is not necessary; the law says it is for a student with an impairment (a diagnosis), a history of an impairment (they used to have a diagnosis and there are lingering challenges), or regarded as having an impairment (there may be qualities they have that are similar to a diagnosis). The curriculum is not being modified, but the classroom teacher is providing accommodations. This can look like giving an extra set of books, seating the student strategically in class to help with attention challenges, modifying homework, testing the student in a quiet environment so they can focus, speech-to-text technology, and giving the student a list of tasks to complete for the lesson/day to name a few.

Why do kids need 504 plans?

The types of health impairments for which I’ve written 504 plans include Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, anxiety, autism, selective mutism, hearing loss, and sensory differences. Accommodations are specific to the student’s health issue, and these are decided after the school team evaluates to see what may be appropriate for the plan. When I’ve done 504 evaluations, I typically observe the student, review academic data, look at attendance, and sometimes have the teacher and parent fill out behavioral rating scales to see to what degree there are concerns and how to intervene. For example, if the parent or teacher is concerned that the student is impulsive and has trouble paying attention, I would give them rating scales that look at ADHD-type symptoms; if the results show that there are significant concerns with symptoms, then the student would qualify for a 504 plan without a medical diagnosis. Then, I work with the teachers to draft a plan of accommodations, which is shared with the family before meeting to discuss and formalize it.

What happens once a plan is written?

Once a 504 plan is developed, they are reviewed at least annually to see if the plan needs to be changed. A student may not need an accommodation anymore, they may need other accommodations, or they may not need the plan anymore. While annual meetings are required, a parent or teacher has the right to call a 504 meeting at any time, if they are noticing something new and want the team to get back together to discuss it. Having the 504 plan ensures that a case manager, someone else besides the teacher, is keeping an eye on the student. Legal protections are also in place for a student with a disability. For example, there is a process for discipline, and if a student is suspended 10 days in a school year then a meeting must be held to determine if what they are being disciplined for is a manifestation of the disability; if it is, then the student cannot be suspended for it. The 504 plan follows a student from year to year (unless the team agrees to discontinue it), even if the student changes school districts. This helps give a new teacher a preview of who your child is, how they may have different learning needs, and again, that they will have an extra set of eyes keeping track of them at school. If you change schools, make sure you ask the old school to send the 504 to the new school along with any other records, and also give the new school the plan when you register. Doing both ensures that it does not get lost in the shuffle.

What do I do next for my child?

Are you wondering if your child should have a 504 plan? I’m here to help. We can talk it through, and I can explain the process. I’ll also post in the future about how to request a 504 from your school; this is something you are entitled to have, as a taxpayer, if your child has a physical or mental impairment that limits their participation in school. I look forward to speaking with you, and supporting your child’s education journey.

If you have any questions, or need any support with anything IEP, 504 or accommodations related, please contact me at richard@chinpsyd.com